September Calendar
| - Saturday, August 31: Student Council application closes.
- Monday, September 2: Labor Day; Enlightium’s office is closed, but students have access to courses and can continue to work.
- Thursday, September 5: Various webinars for students in grades prek-8.
- Friday, September 6: Student chapels; more details can be found on the Knowledge Base.
- Monday, September 9 - Thursday, September 12: Student council elections; a link to vote will be provided in Ignitia and Canvas.
- Friday, September 13: Student council election announcement.
- Monday, September 16 - Friday, September 20: Student Social Week; your family learns about each social opportunity available and can register for one.
- Friday, September 20: Enlightium’s office closed for 90 minutes for a staff and family chapel.
- Saturday, September 28: Eat and Greet in various locations; more details can be found on the Knowledge Base.
- Monday, September 30 - Friday, October 4: Spiritual Awareness Week; your family learns about each spiritual offering available at Enlightium.
Download the 2024-2025 printable calendar, which your student can post at his or her workstation. Add Enlightium's digital calendar to your Google or Apple Calendar. |
| - Snapshots provide students and their parents/guardians insight into all of the offerings available during a month, including:
- Primary School (grades PreK-2)
- Elementary School (Grades 3-5)
- Middle School (Grades 6-8)
- High School (Grades 9-12)
Have Friends or Family Members Interested in Enrolling?
| - Enlightium offers open enrollment, allowing new students to enroll at any point in the school year!
- Click here to enroll a new student.
Student Council Application
| - Student Council applications are being accepted for students in grades 6-12 through August 31 at 11:59 pm PT!
- Elections: September 9th - September 12th; all students will receive a link to join via Ignitia and Canvas
- Announcement: September 13th; new Student Council members will be announced via the Enlightium Parents app, Ignitia, and Canvas
- Questions? Email Mrs. Cook at
Student Social Week
| All Enlightium students interested in participating in our social offerings can register during Student Social Week from September 16-20, 2024. Participating in our social offerings is an excellent way for students to socialize with their peers and develop new skills through our various offerings. For more information on Student Social Week, go here. If you have any questions, please connect with Mrs. Cook at
Eat and Greet
| Enlightium is excited to offer more opportunities for our families to get connected locally. We will host two Eat and Greets on Saturday, September 28, 2024. We will share more information soon on exact times, locations, and other relevant details. Find more information on our Eat and Greets here.
Spiritual Awareness Week
| Spiritual Awareness Week is September 30 - October 4, 2024. Spiritual Awareness Week recognizes the importance of Christian education, and attends to the spiritual lives of our staff, faculty, students and families as we embark on a new school year, striving for faithfulness and integrity before God and protection from any hindrances to the faith. Our theme is Peace Beyond Understanding (Phil. 4:6–7). Throughout the week, Enlightium sends reminders about our spiritual support offerings, including Bible studies, prayer Support, Theology In Action, videos employee chapels, student chapels, the Mission Program, and Enlightened Praise and Worship Team. Our spotlight video for Spiritual Awareness week 2024–2025 is from our opening chapel message. Enlightium’s Superintendent, Thomas Lambert, talks about the relationship between our salvation and our peace in Jesus Christ.
Bible Studies
| Bible studies are a time for students to gather together and experience the life-transforming power of God’s Word. Our studies consist of prayer, the Word, and fellowship. This year we are going through the book of Philippians. All students in grades PreK-12 are encouraged to participate in Enlightium's Bible studies. An Enlightium staff or faculty member will guide the time. Invitations, including the link to the Zoom meeting, will be sent to student and parent emails, along with text messages. These invitations will go out an hour before each study. Students may not be able to enter the meeting if they are significantly late (15 minutes or over).
Student Chapels
| Student chapels are a time for students to come together in worship and praise from around the nation and world, and grow in the knowledge of Christ by the power of His Spirit and Word. Students get opportunities to pray, read Scripture, and even help lead songs of praise while a member of our staff or faculty delivers a message. Our messages this year will focus on our theme from Philippians, Peace Beyond Understanding (Phil. 4:6–7). Invitations to join are sent via email and text message.
September's Webinars
School Trips With Joshua Expeditions
| Joshua Expeditions is a Christian organization that provides guided tours of historical landmarks. Students and their families travel to the locations, then join in on multi-day tours with certified tour guides, Enlightium staff and faculty, and other Enlightium families. Upcoming trips: Phoenix, Arizona on Thursday, November 7 - Friday, November 8, 2024, with Mrs. Teneisha Cook. The trip to Washington DC has been canceled due to low registration and unforeseeable circumstances; families who registered have been notified.
Yearbook Orders
| Late orders for the 2023-2024 yearbook are still available for sale. Late orders will cost a discounted $25 fee plus shipping and handling. Submit this form to order now while supplies last.
A Message from the Principal’s Office (The Online Program)
| We hope you are all having a wonderful start to the school year! It has been so wonderful getting to connect with so many students already as the school year gets underway. We want to encourage your students to please reach out to their teachers through Ignitia or Canvas if they have any questions, and they are happy to help! We also want to encourage students to read the welcome messages from their teachers as teachers have lots of helpful resources for students. Additionally, we strongly encourage students to use Livebinder. It is a great supplemental resource created by our teachers for your students. We wish you a wonderful start to the new school year!
Family Handbook