The Enlightium Parents App: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Where is the Enlightium Parents app available?
Do I have to download the app?
No, you do not have to download the app, but at least one member of your household is still required to have an account. You can access the same platform using an Internet browser.
What personal information am I required to provide?
 | Upon registration, the following fields will be required but will NOT be made public or searchable by other families: Your first name, last name, and email address as noted on the enrollment form; this allows Enlightium to properly associate your app account with your enrollment form. Your relationship to the student(s) (such as parent, guardian, or financial contact). Upon registration, the following field will be required and will be made public or searchable by other families: Your username This is how you want other families to identify you. It is recommended to use your real first and last name, but if you want to remain anonymous to other families you can make up a username ("John80"). After registration, the following fields will be optional and be made public or searchable by other families: Tell us about yourself. Tell us about your students (their hobbies, etc.). Family type (such as co-op, military, missionary, etc.). Your city and state/country; this information will be searchable, so you can use it if you want to connect with other families in your area. School year first enrolled. Number of students enrolled. Student type (full-time, graduated, etc.).