 | - The Enlightium Admissions Department will request records from the previous school; however, if you have any of the required records on hand, providing them may speed up the admissions process.
- All new students need to provide a report card (PreK-8) or transcript (9-12) and a document to verify their date of birth*. Select your student’s grade level below for a list of required records.
- If providing a document for discount verification, please email it directly to
Required Records by Grade
 | - Required records
- Please note that Enlightium Academy does not require students to provide proof of immunization/exemption, but we do adhere to your state’s requirement for an Immunization Record or Exception document.
Students Who Were Previously Homeschooled
 | - Please review the above-required records by grade level and utilize the following resources:
- Grades PreK-9*
- Grades 9*-12
- At least three work samples are required for each course listed on the homeschool transcript to award transfer credit if seeking an Enlightium diploma. When providing samples, please include your name and course title at the top of each page.
- The alternative is to have a school official sign off: School Official Signature Steps
Students Providing Records from Outside of the United States
| - If your student’s records are not in English, please reach out to a translation company in your country or a certified translator to have the records translated.
- The translation must be in English.
- The documents in the original language should be provided along with the translated copies.
How to Provide Records
 | - Please do not provide the same records in multiple ways, as this will delay processing time. Only use backup channels if you are experiencing issues with the uploader.
- Primary Channel For Securely Providing Records
- Backup Channel If Experiencing Issues With The Uploader
- Scan and email or text a large, clear picture to
*It is Enlightium’s policy that all new students provide a document to verify their date of birth. A birth certificate is the preferred document; however, when no birth certificate is available, we will accept a passport or any other official document containing the student’s name and date of birth.