Enlightium Academy Support

Standard and Premium Electives

Standard Electives

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  • Standard electives are available at no additional cost* and are typically available through Ignitia.
  • Generally speaking, any elective may be considered a standard elective unless it is an offline elective or a premium elective. 
  • Electives by Grade Level
    • Primary School Electives (Grades PreK-2): any standard or premium elective will have an additional cost
    • Elementary School Electives (Grades 3-5): 5.5 credits* (5 core courses and a 0.5 offline elective)
    • Middle School Electives (Grades 6-8): 6 credits* (5 core courses, a 0.5 offline elective, and optionally 0.5 standard/premium electives)
    • High School Electives (Grades 9-12): 7 credits* (varies between core courses, offline electives, and/or standard/premium electives)
  • Contact support@enlightiumacademy.com if you have any questions.
*Unless adding the elective exceeds the maximum course load for each grade level.

Premium Electives

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*Students may take in 7th or 8th based on their counselor’s approval.

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