Part-Time Enrollment (Grades 3-12)
 | Part-Time students: - Take only a small number of courses at Enlightium Academy:
- Between 0.5 and 3.75 credits for a full school year
- Anything less than 2.0 credits for one semester
- Receive credit for the courses they complete at Enlightium Academy; however, Enlightium does not serve as the primary school responsible for record-keeping, nor will a diploma be awarded, both of which apply to full-time students.
- Can enroll in the Online Program’s Silver Support package.
Click here for Part-Time Enrollment; no discounts are applicable for part-time students. For more details on the differences between full-time and part-time enrollment, please see this comparison chart.
Enrollment Process
 | - Pay the enrollment fee and submit the enrollment form
- Note on the enrollment form that your student will be enrolled part-time at Enlightium and list the courses desired. This will enable Enlightium’s Admissions Department to record which school is responsible for record-keeping and expedite class assignments.
- Please note:
- Classes are typically assigned within three to five business days of enrollment.
- You should include the desired courses on the enrollment form to expedite the enrollment process.
- The 14-day trial begins from the day the enrollment form is submitted.
Courses and Add-Ons
 | - Part-time students have access to standard courses, such as core courses and standard electives.
- The following add-ons* are available for part-time students:
*Add-ons come with an extra cost; please see the links provided. |