Prepayment Discounts (PreK-12)
 | You can select to prepay your student’s tuition on the enrollment or re-enrollment form. If your family already submitted the enrollment or re-enrollment form and wants to change to prepayment or confirm that the prepayment option was selected please email If you want to change from a prepayment to the monthly installment option, please email The tuition payment will come out within 30 days of form submission. Your family will receive an email confirmation prior to the charge. There will also be an enrollment or re-enrollment fee, which will be processed using your card on file within seven days of enrollment form submission. It may also be processed with the tuition balance. The enrollment fee/re-enrollment fee is waived if the Continuous Enrollment option is selected. If an enrollment or re-enrollment fee is paid, the amount will be applied toward the tuition balance.
Prepayment Discount by School Year
 | Click the school year below to find the current prepayment discount based on the school year: |