The Online Program
 | The Online Program for students in grades 3-12 where students complete the majority of their courses online. Teacher support is available for students in the Online Program. Optionally, parents can take on the role of the teacher and assist their students when they have questions about the material. Support packages: The Bronze Package - Parent-led The Silver Package - Teacher-led with 24-hour response times The Silver+ Package - Teacher-led with average 2-hour response times, invitations to live sessions, and more The Gold Package - Teacher-led with phone support, screen share support, and more. The Diamond Package - Teacher-led with one hour response times, priority support, and more.
The Homeschool Program
 | The Homeschool Program for students in grades PreK-8 where students complete the majority of their courses using textbooks Support packages: AOP - Parent-led with text-based learning BJU Press - Parent-led with text- and video-based learning
The Sapphire Live Program
The Hybrid Program
 | The Hybrid Program for students in grades 1-6 where students partially learn from home and partially learn in a brick-and-mortar environment Support packages: Basic - Includes Academic Day and two one-semester electives Comprehensive - Includes Academic and Enrichment Days